Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sliding away

I have nought to write for a long time,
all i did was watch the world goes by.

Everything seems to be sliding away,
i dont have a firm grip on my life anymore.
Let me ask,
how long has it been since you guys started schooling?
it has been a long time eh? Ten years and more....

Ever since,
My will is my master,
keeping me going.

now it seems my will is no more,
Im exhausted,
I have naught left.
My life sway like a wind blown leaf.
Everything is sliding away from me,
away from my grasp slowly,
I dont even have the slightest desire to pull them back,

I did not care anymore somehow,
I just let it be,
Let them go.
Death erases all your worldly cares,
Yet im still alive,
with a hollow mind,
nothing to care.

The exams are nigh,
And i have yet started getting ready,
It's like going into the battlefield without any weapons or shields,
And what is assured,
Loss and The End.